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Cheer Prep

Cheer Prep

Cheer prep is great for beginners to tumbling and cheer.  Athletes will work beginner tumbling skills as well spend a portion of class on jumps and motions to prepare them for Junior High and High School Cheer.

Dance Acro

Dance Acro Tumbling

Dance Acro is a tumbling class geared towards teaching dancers acro skills like aerials, backhand springs, as well as an array of front and back walkover variations.

Basic tumbling

Beginner Tumbling

Beginner Tumbling will focus on working towards:
-round offs
-front limbers
-bridge kick overs
-standing back hand springs

once mastery of these skills has been reached athletes will be referred to advanced tumbling.

expert tumbling

Advanced Tumbling

Advanced tumbling will focus on connecting skills like round-off + back hand spring + back tuck/layouts or Fulls.

Other skills to be trained include:
-Standing back tucks
-front handsprings
-front flips

Pre-School Gymnastics

Why you should choses Axis Gymanatics Academy